Halloween! The kids school had a fun little parade during the afternoon and class parties for the kids after.
Tristan as Spider-man and Michael is a scary skeleton creature of some sort)
Jonathan as a scary Ghoul.
Olivia as a beautiful witch squeezing the life out of her best friend Katie (Pocahontas).
The AIS school did their trick-or-treat again this year on a Saturday night. Since we wouldn't let our kids go on the Sabbath day we decided tho have a party at our house on Halloween night. We wanted our kids to not feel like they were missing out.
We didn't bring with any decorations so we had to make do with stuff around the house, I think it turned out pretty good considering.
(I am against the BYU paraphernalia on our dead man, however, he turned out perfect!)
Who knew that some white pillow cases would make such great ghost chair covers!
Add some long socks and some shoes to the table and it comes alive.
The party was a success with 32 people in our home! We had great food, fun games and terrific friends!