Jonathan came home from school last week saying that he couldn't see the board at school. I asked if he could ask the teacher to move him to the front of the room, he said that he was already in the front.
So I printed out a home eye exam test. He could barely see at 15 feet what he should have been able to see at 20 feet. We told him that he needed glasses, Jonathan said "No, I can see fine it's only when the teacher uses red markers that it is hard to see." But, I told him that he probably doesn't realize how much he couldn't see clearly, it probably just seemed normal.
Chris took him in for an eye exam yesterday and they confirmed that he does indeed need glasses. We picked out his frames and they said the glasses would be ready the next day. We went after school today to pick them up and the Dr. had Jonathan just hold the glasses in his hand while he tested him with a eye chart. When the Dr. asked if he could read one of the lines Jonathan said no that he couldn't tell any of them, he put on his glasses and quickly read off all of the numbers and the ones on the next 2 lines also.
On the walk back home Jonathan kept exclaiming that he couldn't believe how much clearer everything was. He said "I can see everything now! Mom, your face is even clearer now." So glad that we realized early on that he was struggling.
It's a whole new world for him! Madeleine is in bifocals now... so, we're all about frames for the faces as being cool!