Friday, December 6, 2013

Thanksgiving/ Hanukkah 11/28/13 and 11/30/13

We had a great time this year for Thanksgiving, we had 3 families over at our house and we all combined to make a huge feast. The food was terrific and the company was wonderful and we were truly thankful. 
Earlier in the week we made Indian headbands as a craft for the holiday.

Hanukkah which means "dedicated" is referred to as "The festival of Lights". Jews light special candles in a special candle holder called a Hanukiah, for 8 days they light a new candle. 
They eat fried food called levivot (Potato Cakes) and sufganiyot (jelly donuts)
The kids play with dreidels which are tops that have 4 letters on it. The letters say (nes gadol hayah po) which means "A great miracle happened here".  It is referring to the oil found in the temple that should have only lasted for one day and night but lasted for 8.

Our neighbors Susie and Julian invited us over to celebrate with them the 4th day of Hanukkah. We ate all sorts of yummy foods and it was a lot of fun to hear them singing the songs and lighting the candles. The kids played with dreidels after the candle was lit. 
My Dad was here for a visit and was able to go with us, I think it will be a memorable experience for all.

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