Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Fun time with Grandma and Grandpa!

Apollonia is the first place that we took Donna and Terry to during their stay with us. It is so close but still so fun to see that it makes it perfect for those still suffering from jet lag.  3/27/13

Donna in the synagogue at Capernaum. 3/30/13

Donna wanted to make sure that she had at least put her hand in the Sea of Galilee. Chris made sure that she didn't end up fully clothed in it.

Tristan also wanted to touch the water and Chris thought this was the best way to lower him down....funny.

I took Donna and Terry myself into Bethlehem to the Church of the Nativity. It was an adventure!   4/16/13

A pretty picture out in a pretty garden at the Church of the Nativity.

Nimrods Fortress with Grandma and Grandpa Harding! 3/30/13

We took Donna and Terry to Nimrod's Fortress during there stay here with us. It was a lot of hiking around and wore them right out but I think they enjoyed it.

This is such a lovely view of the fortress with Donna and Terry.

"Man I hope these stairs hold all of us."

Grandma was in love with the Poppies.

We are "Finished"

Grandpa's knees were done for.